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InMemory OLTP Migration Assistant Powershell Script

'In one of my recent interaction with my client, they were so much impressed with the fact that SQL Server has now introduced the ability to use In Memory OLTP. They said they were interested in implementing the same in their environment for a number of applications. The hardware refresh was due and they were also upgrading a number of their legacy applications which were hosted on SQL Server 2005 to the latest version as that was also due. In this blog post we will learn about InMemory OLTP Migration Assistant.

I felt them in a perfectly right direction to go ahead and implement the same. The only trouble here was, they wanted to know the readiness in using the InMemory technology and are there any changes they need to be made on their application to address the same. I remember using the “Memory Optimization Advisor” earlier in one of the client’s location using SQL Server Management Studio. But here the customer wanted something like a tool to run across multiple servers as there were more than 15+ applications they wanted to consolidate and upgrade.'...


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