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How To, and Not To, Escape a String In TSQL

'You are never too old to learn an important lesson. Like most programmers, I read programming language documentation for one of two reasons. 1. You have just found out about something new 2. You find out that you were wrong about something you thought you had read the first time, probably 10 years ago. Today’s blog came from an idea that arose from a mistake I made where I made a faulty assumption, and kinda exploded from there into multiple possibilities. This mistake was followed up by reading the documentation for the statement I used incorrectly.

One of my favorite SQL commands has been QUOTENAME. A common programming need when generating code is the need to surround a string value with quotes, and escape any characters that are the same as you are surrounding the string with, with doubles (and if you need doubles of the character in the string, you then need four of the characters.) For example, to surround the following string with single quotes (‘)'...


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