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How to fix an error of OLE DB provider SQLNCL11 has not been registered in MS SQL Linked Server

'I am getting this email from my client as follows:

We seem to have an issue with the with the drill down app. It appears that we are not getting any results for our company inventory and from the XYZ database in the drill down, we believe the last time this specific function was working correctly was Jan 30 2019.

I have attached some screenshots which Susan has sent to me that should be of some help to you. In addition, I have checked a couple of known part numbers in the supplier website drill down and also checked stock directly in the XYZ function and no results were returned.

We think the other functions are still working fine.
Can you investigate please?

As the result of the above email, I logged into client’s server and run one particular MS SQL Stored Procedure. Its purpose was to add records from 2 different databases whenever and inventory part numbers were requested. In this scenario, the client gets the Inventory from the local database and from another remote database which is from a different company. The two companies share the same inventory. To explain the reason it is working this way, it is beyond the scope of this article.

This is the error I got when I run the Stored Procedure:
Msg 7403, Level 16, State 1, Procedure GetInventoryBasedOnPN, Line 34 [Batch Start Line 17] The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" has not been registered.

What I suspected happened is that there were 3 versions of Ms SQL installed on that server and 2 of them were un-installed lately. It seems the sql native client driver was removed as well.'...


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