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Run DBCC CHECKDB WITH PHYSICAL_ONLY automatically in the background

'When RAID controllers are idle, they automatically check the storage to make sure it's still okay. Why not SQL Server too?

Some of the pieces are there - for example, SQL Server already has the ability to watch for idle CPU times and run Agent jobs when it’s bored. For starters, that’d probably be good enough to save a lot of small businesses from heartache. For the databases over, say, 100GB, it’d be really awesome to have resumable physical_only corruption checking - tracking which pages have been checked (just like how the differential bitmap tracks page changes), with page activity reset when the page is changed (again, just like the differential bitmap.) This wouldn’t count the same as a real CHECKDB, which needs to do things like compare index contents - but it'd be a big improvement over what we have now in environments where folks just aren't aware that the onus for data integrity is on them, not SQL Server.'...


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