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Availability Groups: How to sync logins between replicas

'AlwaysOn Availability Groups are a reasonably simple way to set up disaster recovery (DR) for your SQL Server environment, and with fairly little effort, you can get a bit of high availability (HA) from it as well. But there are a few gotchas, the most obvious of them being that Availability Groups only synchronize specific user-databases, not the entire server setup.

Things that are not included in AGs include logins, SQL Server Agent jobs, SSIS packages stored in SQL Server, linked servers and server settings. You could sync these manually (as is often the case), but wouldn’t you just love to have an automated process do all this for you?

This is the first post in a series on synchronizing stuff between Availability Groups, and in this installment, we’ll look at logins. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll assume that you have a primary replica with a single AG and any number of secondary replicas. The logic holds true if you have multiple AGs, it just gets trickier.'...


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