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A Walk Around SQL Operations Studio


SQL Server Management Studio has been the default tool for working with SQL Server for over a decade. It’s not, however, compatible with any operating system outside of Microsoft Windows. SQL Operations Studio (SQLOPS), the open source program originally called ‘Project Carbon’, is now available for users of Linux and macOS as well as Windows. Robert Cain demonstrates the features of SQLOPS.

As a data person you’ve likely looked, with some envy, at the cool new multiplatform tools Microsoft has released for your developer coworkers. Visual Studio Code, or VS Code, is an open source application which will run on Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing software development for a variety of languages. You’ve probably thought, “Hey, where’s OUR multiplatform tool for working with data?” Well, have I got good news for you!

Microsoft has just released SQLOPS – SQL Operations Studio – in preview mode. Built on top of VS Code, it is designed to manage your SQL Server from multiple platforms. SQLOPS runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Best of all, it is absolutely free to use'...


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