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DSC Install of SQL Server

'It has been a while since I have made a post and figured it was long over due. I figured for my first post in a while, it would be about something I have been working on lately. The automation of installing and configuring of SQL Server.

So the installation of SQL Server is now fairly straightforward. The wizard does a nice job of guiding you along the way. 2016 even includes best practice suggestions for tempdb and instance file initialization. Along the way, Microsoft as given us ways to automate the installation of SQL Server. You can sysprep an instance, but this does not really automate the installation. It just helps create a template of an instance. At the end of the day, you still need to do things manually. You can also use a configuration file to assist here. This is a great step forward, but it does not allow for all of the things you need to do to configure a SQL server.

Powershell does. Desired State Configuration (DSC) is functionality built into Powershell that allows for the installation and configuration of a SQL Server.

First, to get started, you need to have a base understanding of DSC.'...


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