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Unable to Start Services After Patching (sqlagent_msdb_upgrade.sql)

'In the recent past, I have heard this issue, at least once or twice every month. Whenever I try to help a such client and I think I know the issue, I get something new. They said that they have applied a patch and after that they were not able to access the SQL server and it is going offline. Here is a blog post where I discuss about Unable to Start Services After Patching (sqlagent_msdb_upgrade.sql).

I immediately told them that this would be an issue with upgrade script failure.

SQL SERVER - Unable to Start Services After Patching (sqlagent_msdb_upgrade.sql) sscm-stop-01-800x162
They confirmed that the issue is with upgrade script, but the error message is not the same. I asked them to send the ERRORLOG file to me and I found below error

2016-08-16 20:41:57.95 spid9s Granting login access ‘pan\svc-sql-agt’ to msdb database…
2016-08-16 20:41:57.96 spid9s A problem was encountered granting access to MSDB database for login ‘(null)’. Make sure this login is provisioned with SQLServer and rerun sqlagent_msdb_upgrade.sql


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