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SQLskills SQL101: Dealing with SQL Server corruption

'As Kimberly mentioned last week, SQLskills is embarking on a new initiative to blog about basic topics, which we’re calling SQL101. We’ll all be blogging about things that we often see done incorrectly, technologies used the wrong way, or where there are many misunderstandings that lead to serious problems. If you want to find all of our SQLskills SQL101 blog posts, check out

For my first SQL101 post, I’d like to touch on a subject that that has been core to my work since I graduated in 1994: dealing with corruption. You may not know that before joining the SQL Server engineering team at Microsoft in early 1999, I worked for the file system group at DEC (Digital Equipment), where among other things I was responsible for the VMS equivalent of the Windows chkdsk (called ANAL/DISK). It was this expertise with corruption and repairing it that led me to work on DBCC, rewriting much of the DBCC CHECKDB check and repair code for SQL Server 2005.

All through my professional career I’ve seen people make mistakes when they encounter corruption, so here I’d like to offer some quick guidelines for how to approach SQL Server corruption.

Don’t panic'...


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