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SQL Client Tools update for SQL Server 2016

'In SQL Server 2016 there have been several significant changes to the SQL Client Tools. Central to these changes are two primary goals:

  • The ability to ship tooling updates on a regular, monthly cadence

  • A single version of tools that work with all supported SQL Server versions on-premises or in a Virtual Machine, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse

In addition to numerous new feature enhancements such as supporting Always Encrypted, Stretch Database, two-node basic availability groups for Standard Edition, PolyBase, Temporal Databases, and many more. There are also fundamental changes to SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and the other tools included in the SQL Server Client Tools package. These changes help align the release and distribution of the SQL Client Tools with the processes currently used by the SQL Server Data Tools.

Note: The SQL Client Tools package contains tools such as SQL Server Management Studio, Profiler, Database Engine Tuning Advisor, SQL Server PowerShell and several other management tools.'...


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