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Restoring a SQL Server backup on Linux

'Last Wednesday I got very excited by Microsoft’s announcements about the addition of features to standard edition and the public preview of SQL Server on Linux. I bored everyone in the office with the features we could now use in standard edition and the possibilities that running SQL Server on Linux would open to us. After a while a colleague asked me if it was possible to restore a backup from a SQL Server instance on Windows to a Linux instance. I said it must be, but I wasn’t 100% sure. Let’s give it a test.

I used a Hyper-V Ubuntu 16 VM. First I had to connect to my VM and transfer the backup file. I used the SSH client Bitvise as it makes transferring files between Windows and Linux a breeze. First I installed openssh-server on my Ubuntu VM and allowed SSH through the firewall. I then connected with Bitvise, accepted the new key and was then presented with a terminal and file transfer window.'...


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