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Query Store, Force Plan and Dropped Objects

'I love the Query Store. Seriously. It’s a huge leap forward in the capabilities of Azure SQL Database and SQL Server in support of performance monitoring and query optimization. One of my favorite aspects of the Query Store is the ability to force plans. Frankly though, it’s also the scariest part of the Query Store. I do believe that plan forcing will be one of the most ill-used functions in SQL Server since the multi-statement table-valued user-defined function (don’t get me started). However, unlike the UDF, this ill-use will be because of poor understanding on the part of the user, not a fundamental design issue. No, plan forcing and the Query Store are very well constructed. Let me give you an example of just how well constructed they are.

Let’s imagine that have a situation such as bad parameter sniffing where you’ve determined that from the more than one possible execution plans against a table, there is a preferred plan. Enabling plan forcing to ensure that plan gets used is a no-brainer. Let’s further imagine that you have a junior DBA who is… let’s just say overly aggressive in their duties such that they do silly things occasionally. What happens when your pretty plan, which uses a particular index meets your junior DBA who just dropped that index?'...


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