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Extended Event Help Queries

'When working with Extended Events, there are times when a little more information is, well, helpful.  You know you want to use extended events to try and monitor for a specific thing to happen.  But sometimes you don’t know if there is an event for that “thing”, or maybe you don’t know if there is a session already in place to do that specific task (or if it is even running), or maybe you just need better information about the event to see what kind of data it captures when it is fired.

Sometimes, this information is easy enough to find.  Sometimes, it is less than evident how to find the wanted information.  Some of the information may be visible through the GUI (if you are using SQL Server 2012 or later), and sometimes it is just flat out easier to run a quick script.  Today, I would like to share a few quick scripts to help find some of this information that can make the life of the DBA just a bit easier.'...


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