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Liberating the DBA from SQL Authentication with AD Groups

'SQL Authentication.  It's the dread of auditors, and therefore the nightmare of the DBA.  Connection strings sitting in the open on vulnerable servers, with something like this:

Server=I_Am_So_Vulnerable;Database=FreeForAll;User Id=Chump;Password=ItDoesNotMatterHowComplexItIs;

Even worse, you have SA enabled, and all of your servers may just have the same SA password (at least not something like "P@ssW0rd" - I'll pause here to give you time to change it). What if someone with SA access quits? Do you know for sure that this person has no access into your network after separation?  If this disgruntled ex-employee were to infiltrate and log in as SA, even the best auditing tool would likely not identify who just stole your credit card table, and who may just have a copy of the encryption key for that card-number column (assuming that you encrypt it as PCI-DSS expects)!'...


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