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SQL SERVER – SSMS Tip: How to Get Larger Fonts for Results in Grid Output

'A couple of weeks back, I was at the GIDS (Great Indian Developer Conference) speaking on my favorite topic of performance. Often as a speaker I make sure I attend a couple of sessions from friends or from people in the industry to learn something completely new. It is easier to learn from someone who has done all the hard work of doing research compared to investing that time all by yourself to learn the nuances of the topic. Let us learn about SSMS Tip.

This time I was in the main hall where I could find the hall was really big and the screens were really small to visualize. I saw one of the speakers was showing Management studio output and was talking. As a back bencher always, I found it almost impossible to actually read what the output was. This is when I realized that my demo’s when executed in SSMS would be the same for someone who was sitting far away from the screen. I thought I had to change the font to make it less understandable.

I did the following steps of increasing the font style under SSMS -> Tools -> Options and when I was doing the session, I asked the audience to how many knew this. Not many knew these options existed. So I thought this required a separate blog post to explain the same.'...


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