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Natively Compiled Stored Procedures: What they are all about

'In SQL Server, the classic stored procedures that we know and love are interpretive. This means that when a stored procedure is executed for the first time, the SQL Server relational engine first compiles it, and then executes it. By contrast, when we create a natively compiled stored procedure, SQL Server compiles it into machine code immediately, and stores it in a DLL.

Since the stored procedure is now expressed in machine code, the CPU can run it directly, without any interpretation. The lack of interpretation means that the resulting code will be much simpler and more efficient than our standard stored procedures.

Natively compiled stored procedures can reference only in-memory tables. This, for most people, will be the biggest "barrier to entry". The time and effort needed to convert old tables into In-Memory OLTP tables can be significant. For example, foreign keys are not allowed in In-Memory tables, which may be problematic for a highly relational environment. In addition, there are many other restrictions on the T-SQL that is allowed inside a natively compiled stored procedure, compared to classic stored procedures.

As such, it's typically a good idea to save in-memory OLTP, as well as in-memory stored procedures for applications where speed and efficiency are of the utmost importance. However, for those tables and procedures that you can move to in-memory, you will often see a huge improvement in performance over standard disk-based stored procedures.'...


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