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Now “CREATE OR ALTER” Stored Procedure, Function, View, Trigger with SQL Server 2016

'SQL Server 2016 release was packed with lot of new features, and I tried to cover most of them, [check here]. This includes some of the major new features like, Polybase, Temporal Tables, JSON support, Stretch DB, Row Level Security, Dynamic data Masking, etc. are very unique to the other Database systems in competition.

But Microsoft’s SQL Server team also keeps on adding few features in every release which were already there in other Database systems, so that developers could use those and make their life easier, like the new IF EXISTS option with DROP & ALTER statements I already discussed in my [previous post].

Now, with the recent Service Pack 1, one more feature has been added, which developers (mainly from the Oracle background) were missing from long time, and that is CREATE OR ALTER option while creating programming modules, like...''...


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