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How to Find I/O Usage Per Database in SQL Server

'If you’re looking at performance and trying to understand I/O on a per database level in SQL Server, sadly there is not a report in Management Studio that you can run from those available.

It will need some T-SQL to pull out this information from an existing DMV – sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats.

The information returned by the DMV is data which has been recorded since the SQL Server was last restarted and so it is therefore cumulative data.

It helps the DBA to understand where the I/O distribution is across databases at both the data and log file level.'...

SQL Server Function to Measure CPU Usage Per Database


There comes a time when a DBA needs to know how much CPU resources each SQL Server database is using. This comes in handy in cases where you need to investigate high CPU usage on your SQL Servers or when you are just trying to understand the CPU heavy consumers on your server.  There is no specific report in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) that gets you this information, so the T-SQL code presented will provide this information.


My solution involves creating a T-SQL scalar function in the SQL Server master database, called dbo.udf_Get_DB_Cpu_Pct that can take the database name as input and outputs the CPU usage percentage of the given database as a number between 0 and 100.  There is also an example below that shows this for all databases.'...

Find tables without primary keys (PKs) in SQL Server database

Query below lists tables in a database without primary keys.

'select schema_name(tab.schema_id) as [schema_name],
    tab.[name] as table_name
from sys.tables tab
    left outer join sys.indexes pk
        on tab.object_id = pk.object_id
        and pk.is_primary_key = 1
where pk.object_id is null
order by schema_name(tab.schema_id),