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Installing SQL Server Agent on Ubuntu Server

'In a previous tip I explained how to install SQL Server vNext on Ubuntu Linux server. Please have a look to get the background of SQL Server running on Ubuntu. Here I will explain how to install SQL Server Agent on an Ubuntu server, so that we can create SQL Server Agent Jobs to schedule repetitive tasks.'...

Programmatically find SQL Server TCP ports

'There are many instances in SQL Server management where one person would like to find all the TCP ports that SQL Server is binding to. Finding all the TCP ports that SQL Server is listening on might be for security related auditing, connectivity troubleshooting, or for some form of automation. One such example is used in BPCheck.

In the past, attempting to find what ports SQL Server was a tedious task. Common methods were to either parse the event log (if it was still available since last startup), or scan the registry. You can still find them in several blogs and other sources. In SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2, you would scan the registry using a query like so...'...

Displaying Backup or Restore Progress

'Have you ever started a database backup or a restore process that runs a long time then wanted to know when it will complete?   If you have then there is an easily way to do this.  Knowing when a database backup or restore operation will completes provides you valuable information, especially when you need to perform follow-on tasks that are waiting for the backup or restore process to complete.

In order to show the backup or restore status you can run the following TSQL statement:

SELECT session_id as SPID, command, a.text AS Query, start_time, percent_completedateadd(second,estimated_completion_time/1000, getdate()) as estimated_completion_time
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) a

By reviewing this query you can see it is using sys.dm_exec_requests and sys.dm_exec_sql_text to retrieve information for “BACKUP DATABASE” or “RESTORE DATABASE” commands.

Below is a sample of the output from this command that I have reformatted for readability...'...

Simple Security Report

'Quite a while ago I created a couple of little security scripts to help me out with permissions research. Over time they grew into the procedures sp_dbpermissions and sp_srvpermissions. I recently updated them to v 6.0 and one of the main reasons was so I could add an output option. And the main reason for that was so I could add a reporting option. 

Every now and again I get asked to create a quick security report to answer the question: “what permissions exist on XYZ database”. Well here is. I (and you) can now answer that question quickly and easily.'...

SQL Server 2017: Adaptive Join Internals

'SQL Server 2017 brings a new query processing methods that are designed to mitigate cardinality estimation errors in query plans and adapt plan execution based on the execution results. This innovation is called Adaptive Query Processing and consist of the three features:

  • Adaptive Memory Grant Feedback
  • Interleaved Execution
  • Adaptive Joins

We have discussed two of them in the previous posts: Adaptive Memory Grant Feedback and Interleaved Execution.

In this post, we will discuss the last one - Adaptive Joins.

Adaptive Joins were publicly introduced in the CTP 2.0, I advise you to read a post by Joe Sack Introducing Batch Mode Adaptive Joins to get know about this feature, because I will give only a brief introduction before making a deep dive into the Adaptive Join internals.'...

What You Need to Know about Adaptive Joins over Rowstore

'SQL Server 2017 CTP 2.0 introduces support for adaptive query processing capabilities. Traditionally, the query optimizer made all of its plan choices ahead of query execution, and SQL Server wasn’t able to change those during execution. With adaptive query processing, SQL Server is able to dynamically adapt its optimization choices to actual run time conditions such as cardinality misestimations.'...

Microsoft Data Amp 2017 (Channel 9)

'Microsoft Data Amp is a unique virtual event for data innovators. This online event features keynotes by Microsoft executives Scott Guthrie and Joseph Sirosh, who will demonstrate how data and intelligence can help you build breakthrough applications. Learn how advancements in data, intelligence, and analytics are driving digital transformation. You'll gain insights into the industry, and have a front...'...

Announcing Azure Analysis Services general availability

'Today at the Data Amp event, we are announcing the general availability of Microsoft Azure Analysis Services, the latest addition to our data platform in the cloud. Based on the proven analytics engine in SQL Server Analysis Services, Azure Analysis Services is an enterprise grade OLAP engine and BI modeling platform, offered as a fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS). Azure Analysis Services enables developers and BI professionals to create BI Semantic Models that can power highly interactive and rich analytical experiences in BI tools and custom applications.'...

SQL Server 2017: What's New in the Database Engine? (Channel 9)

'Find out what's new in the database engine including support for SQL Server 2017 across Windows, Linux, and Docker containers. You will also hear about new features including adaptive query processing, in-memory improvements, as well as other enhancements. Download SQL Server 2017: Now on Windows, Linux, and Docker ('...

Announcing the General Availability (GA) Release of SSDT 17.0 (April 2017)

'We are pleased to announce that SQL Server Data Tools 17.0 is officially released and supported for production use. This GA release includes support for SQL Server 2017 and SQL Server on Linux including new features such as Graph DB. It includes several features that we have consistently received requests for via MSDN forums and Connect and contains numerous fixes and improvements over the 16.x version of the tools. You no longer need to maintain 16.x and 17.0 side-by-side to build SQL Server relational databases, Azure SQL databases, Integration Services packages, Analysis Services data models, Azure Analysis Services data models, and Reporting Services reports. From all the SSDT teams, thank you for your valuable feedback and suggestions!'...